Recently after the LAX shooting, a story was released from the view of celebrities at the airport. Many stories in the news ask the common man (or woman) for eyewitness accounts. According to some, the shooter was only interested in killing Transportation Security Administration officers. With LAX being such a widely known airport, I thought giving celebrities more of a voice was an interesting spin.
Breaking news often takes many side stories to hook all different types of audiences. Some focus on the victims of the crime. Others, like the first story I read, focus on familiar names. The story listed accounts many stars made via social media about the situation as it was happening. Chris Harrison, host of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette," shared his admiration toward first responders on the scene. James Franco posted a picture of himself in an airplane with a caption depicting his frustration towards the shooter.
I thought using familiar names and faces to add to the story was an excellent idea for CNN. The idea of the story immediately peaked my interest. As soon as I read one view of the incident, I wanted to know more. I clicked on link after link to try to piece the story together. Because of this initial intrigue, I then spent close to an hour looking at the news on the LAX shooting (as you can tell from my multiple links above).
Even in crisis situations, specific audiences must be kept in mind when writing news stories. Because the ultimate goal of CNN is to reach as many demographics as possible, the stories have to be varied in tone as well as content. I am very pleased to hear of the immediate response from authorities and hope all those affected will receive the care they need.
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