Well, this is my final blog post for my Social Media Principles class. Any blogging I do from now on will be on my own terms. I've enjoyed this blog, but I have to say, it'll be nice not scrambling around Sunday night to find blogs to comment on or news stories interesting enough to highlight with a post. For this blog, I wanted to reflect on my semester.
Yes, I know many of you are probably tired of my slight complaining or cries for help on other posts. However, for this post, I'm not going to talk about the negative parts of this semester. Honestly, you can only hear someone complaining about their life so many times before wanting to stab their eyes with a fork. As I would like to keep my eyes intact, it's time to look at the silver lining.
The first obvious one, I made it! I guess that may be celebrating too early, but it's now dead week, and I'm still alive, so that's definitely a plus. Sure, I would've liked to get more sleep this semester. And if my future self is reading this at 2 a.m., stop procrastinating and go to bed. Honestly, you're not slacking for going to bed early. Are you really going to get anything else done? Didn't think so.
Now, I already made a post about how blessed I am, so to differ from my earlier post, in this one I'll offer some advice to others out there who may be in my situation. I know it seems impossible. People tell you to take time for yourself, but you barely have time to sleep. How are you even supposed to think about yourself? You have clubs, homework, work, friends and grades to occupy your worries.
Take a deep breath. God never gives us more than we can handle. Things will work out in the end. If you don't believe in God, believe in yourself. You know what you're doing. And always remember to laugh. Find someone or something to surround yourself with that brings a smile to your face. It isn't always going to be the same person or thing, but find something.
My last piece of advice is to remember why you're stressed. Yes, you're stressed because you over promised yourself. But WHY did you over promise yourself? Because you love those organizations. Because you need to graduate on time. Because you love to be involved. Whatever your reason, keep that in mind as you spend all night finishing an assignment. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. You'll make it through, and sometimes finding humor in the fact you waited until the night before to finish a huge assignment will help you get through the night.
So, take a deep breath and finish your assignment. Watch one too many episodes of a TV show. Spend too much time talking to your roommate. Don't be afraid to spend an entire day solely with a significant other. Whatever it is, make sure you find your silver lining.
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