Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ohio Northern University Homecoming 2013

After covering an event at homecoming, the task then came to overlook how Ohio Northern is utilizing their Twitter and Facebook pages.

On Twitter, Ohio Northern seems to do a decent job at giving future notice of events, such as a performance, special recognition or even homecoming.

As seen in the examples above, almost all of the tweets sent directly from the Ohio Northern account contain a link to further information about the upcoming performance or event. Many of these links go to the Ohio Northern website.

Their Facebook page, however, does not give any notice for upcoming events. This medium for ONU is mainly used to post pictures or videos about recent events.

As far as specifically promoting homecoming, Ohio Northern did not do the greatest job. On the Twitter account, two tweets were made about homecoming, one of which was a retweet. The Facebook page, as mentioned before, only posted information about homecoming after each event happened. Perhaps students could see the pictures and look up future events, but there was no outright promotion for attendance at events on the Facebook page. However, a fair amount of pictures were posted on the page, giving a nice visual representation of homecoming. Also, all of this happened around the time President DiBiasio made the Ohio Northern promise, possibly stealing some attention away from homecoming. Most of the buzz on Twitter and Facebook seemed to revolve around this promise, rightly so considering this is a huge piece of news.

Here is a link to my storify blog:

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